Getting into the best schools is not only about scoring high scores, it is also about creating the right image to attract and command attention that would give your application the best chance of getting approved. WIKI TRIPS boasts of highly efficient experts that render the following services that ensure your smooth admission into Ivy League schools of your choice.
  • Statement of Purpose/Letter of Intent
  • Resume/CV Restructuring
  • Sample Reference
  • Advisory Service
If you have difficulty deciding which schools to apply to or you are yet to make up your mind on which school would be the best fit for you. You give us a call or book a One on One Consultation.
One of the most important benefit of processing your admission both graduate and undergraduate programs through WIKI TRIPS is the depth of resources we provide when it comes to scholarship awards. We are privy to the best scholarships available for Nigerian applicants and our experts are poised to help you find the ones that best fit your profile.